Social networks are a great way to keep connected with our customers and acquire new ones. You can simplify the process for you visitors to share your content by publishing share and bookmark buttons on your site.


I like to use bookmark buttons that use the service. The advantages are:

  1. You have access to hundreds of available social networks, not just the usual twitter and face-book. You can highlight blogs and networks that address your specific market place or geography. For example if your marketplace is western European potential travellers you can emphasize French or German travel blogs.
  2. keeps traffic statistics for you including a breakdown of which services were used, i.e. GMail vs Face-book for example AND if set up correctly, the effectiveness of your services by tracking clickbacks.
  3. You have a large choice of buttons styles, large small, buttons or toolbars.

Contact me if you would like to discuss improving or setting up your bookmarking features.